Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lust or Love

Drenched in sweat, you were sleeping in my arms,

The next moment you walked away leaving me alarmed.

Stranded and hurt, I am waiting for my recuperation,

So dont heat up your bed, my nights are still lonely.

Marks of our passion are still fresh on my body,

Nostalgia pinches me when I visualize how they were formed.

Your whispering in my ears still tickles me in my dreams,

Poor pillows have now started to complain

Lingering on the thin thread of hopeless hope, I might knock at your door,

Just allow to me to come in, I promise I won’t talk.

I made sure that we never cross our paths,

But the world is harsh on broken hearts,

Tormented and tortured I felt when I saw you blossoming in other’s arms,

How quickly you forgot the times when we used to be desperate to reach our home.

Eating alone in a cafeteria troubles me a lot,

But curled up in the blanket is when I need you the most.

Confused I feel, because I only think about your body,

Was it lust or love? Or they are synonyms of the same.

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